Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sustainable Spiritual Growth and Other Thoughts

I have been thinking a lot about the difference between a relationship with God based on rules and one based on love for Him.  It seems to me that relationship based on rules just leads me to frustration and really not much of a relationship at all, but one based on love spurs me on to seek Him and know Him more.  Funny thing about this is that the 2 just might go together.  Jesus said, "He who loves Me will do what I say (follow My commands)."  Love moves us to obey, but then again all of us have a sinful nature that we must reign in... this takes discipline because sometimes I, and I am sure you too, don't want to obey.

The children at HVCS are trained to love God and are taught how to walk in Him- to obey His commands.  One thing that I want to do at HVCS is help our children determine how each one individually can find a relationship with God.  This will be different with each person.  In the book I mentioned in the last blog, it discusses different temperaments, learning styles, and pathways of spiritual growth.  I believe I have found mine.  I tend to be introverted (I recharge by solitude), a naturalist (I find God in nature, like on a hike in the mountains), contemplative (meditate on what I have read), and intellectual (I love God by learning).  I am a visual and somewhat tactile learner too. 

My point is that how I grow in my relationship with God is tied to how He designed and wired me.  Find what your more natural bent is and seek Him in ways that He wired you--- I believe this is how to encourage sustained spiritual growth in your walk with Jesus. 

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