Thursday, January 13, 2011

How is your spiritual life going?

I am reading a book called The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg.  I purchased the book at a church in Nashville- Crosspoint Community Church.  It is similar to Elevation Church in Charlotte--- both are great experiences!  The question in the title is something I ask myself often, but how do you determine the "well-being of your soul"?  This book gave 2 questions that might provide a bit of insight that I am finding helpful:

Ask yourself these 2 questions:
(1) Am I more easily discouraged these days?
(2) Am I more easily irritated these days?

I believe, as this book points about, that at the core of a flourishing soul are the love and peace of God.  The flourishing soul is equal to walking in the Spirit.  When I walk in the Spirit, I tend to be more loving and less discouraged and irritable.  How about you?  I also know that when I am more self-centered, I get irritated and discouraged and I show a languishing spirit not a flourishing one. Something to think about this week.

At Hickory Valley Christian School, our focus is to glorify God in everything we do as Paul says in I Corinthians 10:31.  We want to teach our children to walk in the Spirit along with providing academic excellence in a nurturing environment.  If you have children at our school, I am sure you see and feel this kind of environment.  Thank you so much for allowing us the privilege of serving you and your children!

Have blessed week!

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