Thursday, January 6, 2011

I love the attitude of our basketball team.  As I have watched them over the last 2 games, I have noticed some characteristics that I believe we can all use more of.
(1) Perseverance- The last 2 games  have been tough for them.  The other teams have more experience and are taller or faster... they don't give up.  The 1st game they scored 4 points, the 2nd game they scored 19.
(2) Maintaining a good attitude in difficulty- Even though the other team scores over and over, they are positive and treat the other team with respect.
(3) Persistent prayer- They are unashamed to pray before and after the game together on the gym floor.

These are qualities mentioned in the Bible.  Look at the apostle Paul- beaten, stoned, made fun of, and many other things, yet persevered, maintained good works, and prayed often in tears and in joy.

Just some thoughts for you for the next week :)  May the Lord bless you this week!

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