Sunday, January 30, 2011

Inside and Out

I finally cleaned my truck today!  Andrea and the children left for a trip so I have been a bit bored :)  It has been a while since I cleaned it inside and out by hand, but it looks a lot better.  As I cleaned it for the first time in... well, quite a while, I thought of Matthew 23:25-26. Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to the Pharisees and scribes of His day.  In these verses He criticized them for cleaning the outside of the cup but not the inside. 

Try this next time when you clean your dishes from dinner... just clean the outside!
- Will you want to drink out of it or eat out of it?
- Which is really more important to clean- the inside or outside?

I found that with cleaning the truck, it was easier to clean the outside of it- a little soap and water and a rag and that's it!  The inside took cleaning the windows, getting the trash out, vacuuming, dusting, etc.  The inside is certainly harder to get clean!  Look at this Scripture- Mark 7:17-23- Jesus here speaks to the same issue that the outside is not as important as what is on the inside.  He talks about how out of the heart comes what we speak and how we act--- good or bad.

The inside is what counts.  Let's work on that!  Next week, I will go further into this in discussing training we need to grow in our walk. 

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