Thursday, March 24, 2011

Carving only done here!

Recently I have wondered what it would be like if God took the microwave, fast food approach to character--- we ask, He changes, we walk with a new character.  I used to wish for this often.  In the past year or so, I have changed my mind and prefer the actual way God changes us--- He carves our character rather than changing it in an instant.

Carving requires a humble spirit and a genuine desire to change and sometimes for these to come about difficult people and/or circumstances come and come and come until we begin listening.  Oftentimes I joke about being 40- young to some, old to others, but I see God working in me in a way He has not before- probably because of me getting in the way. 

Now I look forward to the time He has allotted for me and to what He will do in and through me.  However, sometimes what He shows me is difficult for me to accept.  He transforms us and refines us similar to a silversmith who places unrefined silver in a crucible.  He turns up the heat and as the silver melts, impurities rise to the top.  The silversmith scrapes off the impurities, looks at the silver to see his reflection.  If he can't see it clearly, he turns up the heat slowly and incrementally until he at last sees his reflection clearly.  I believe Jesus works the same with us.

Look at difficulties as opportunities for Jesus to bring about maturity in you and to make you further into the image of Christ as Romans 8 puts it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Real You

Today is Saturday.  Tomorrow I will go to church at Christway.  Later my wife might go shopping somewhere and then I will go back to school on Monday for a wonderful chapel service and a day spent with the children of HVCS!  In the midst of all the activity, I will meet people whether friends, acquaintances, or strangers.  With each person I meet, I will see one of 3 levels of that person.  The 3 levels are described in the book that I have been reading mentioned in prior blogs.  The 3 levels are compared to the areas of the temple described in the Old Testament:
- Outer courts
- Holy Place
- Holy of Holies

In each person, the outer courts represents the public you.  It is the me that everyone sees.  This one is the one that when asked "How are you?" says, "I'm great!".  Everyone has access to this person.

The holy place represents the level of which only friends and family see.  Not many are allowed in this place and there is a greater level of intimacy.  I decide who I allow in to this area and who I will not.  Someone might hold power or authority over you, but they have not control over if they are a part of this inner circle who you allow to get to know a more real version of you.

The most holy place represents a deeper intimacy that we keep away from everyone else.  It is the you that only you know but even you do not know this person completely.  Here lies the me that only God sees clearly--- some I am conscious of and some is subconscious.  Here lies the you that is the real you where childhood influences, parents, and many others have shaped you for good or bad.  Here is the you that God wholeheartedly accepts and loves and longs to embrace. 

Jesus said in Revelation 3 to a particular church an invitation for us to open our "holy of holies" to Him and let Him come in- "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." 

I challenge you and me to allow Jesus to peel back the levels of our lives so that He can make us transformed into His image.