Monday, February 21, 2011


In many ways we are so different from the Animal kingdom.  This is one area- the ability to be tempted and to be able to yield or resist temptation.  Animals act on instinct and we have the ability to not respond based on instinct.   Look at some forms of hunting- a fish is caught by a lure with a worm real or not).  Numerous years ago I went barracuda fishing (which was an awesome experience).  We would throw out our line with a piece of fish attached to a hook and let the shiny side skim along the surface of the water.  Soon a barracuda would bite and fight until we reeled it in.  Isn't it funny that fish never learn how to avoid it?  They are basically made up of eyes, a stomach, and a mouth, and have an appetite and act on instinct. 

We can make a choice to avoid the devil's lures.  We are more than just our desires and instincts.  One of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control.  Being filled with the Spirit is living a life of self-control--- not doing what I might impulsively want to do.  I am (still-- quite slowly) reading "The Me I Want to Be".  The author makes a good point: "In fact, temptation will come to us in the area where we most need to grow."  Patience- We will run into those who will help us develop in that area.  Envy- We will have people in our lives that will teach us more about being content with who and where we are in life.  When we resist temptation and live in the Spirit, it makes us more like Jesus.

The author gives strategies as to how not to get hooked by temptation:
(1)  Ask for help- from God and others.
(2) Ask, where will this lead- If I yield to _______, what are the consequences short and long term and to myself, others and my relationship with God.
(3) Remind myself of my deepest values- Resisting alone will wear us out.  Keeping our eye on who God wants us to be and surrender will help in the long-term.
(4) Monitor your soul-satisfaction- When I am not satisfied in soul with life, temptation seems stronger.  It is important to be thankful and rejoice.  When I am hungry, anything on the menu looks good.
(5) Don't stay down!- The devil is not only one who lures, he also accuses.  When we yield to temptation, as we all do many times, we need to get back up and live for Jesus!

I am so happy God loves us!  What a blessing.  I am just now learning how deep it is and I am sure I have no clue and that I am only barely scratching the surface.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Will vs. Surrender

3 verses struck me over the past week-
(1) Matthew 10:39- Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake (Jesus) will find it.
(2) John 12:24- ...unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
(3) Matthew 16:24- Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me.

I am still reading "The me God wants me to be", and I worked my way through a difficult chapter on surrender.  He compared surrender to us driving in a car--- of me in the driver's seat and Jesus in the passenger seat or Him in the driver's seat. The first is me in control (which is easy) or letting Him drive (hard to do), including in the areas of my money, family, how I use my time, etc.

Surrendering is giving up my right to be in charge- it is a choice and is the "glad and voluntary acknowledgement that there is a God and it is not me.", John Ortberg says. Obedience comes in 2 forms and both are good- willingness and surrender.  Surrender is letting go, giving up my right to something.  Willing is me trying harder. Meditate on the difference this week. Sometimes, usually as a short-term solution, I will myself to do something that is uncomfortable or needs to be done but that I don't want to do.  Surrender is me handing over the keys- declaring Jesus is in charge- this is the long-term solution to us living in the Spirit.